Focus on Forage is a free, 7-part Extension webinar series highlighting research-based information and farmer strategies to optimize forage yield, quality, and profitability in Wisconsin.
The first webinar, on January 13, 2021, is entitled “Managing for High Quality Corn Silage” and will feature a discussion with Mike Jenson, Jenson Family Farms, LLC (Elk Mound, Wisconsin) and Carlyle Westendorp, West-Vale-Vue Dairy (Nashville, Michigan), 2020 World Forage Superbowl winners in the standard corn silage and BMR corn silage categories, respectively. In addition, Jerry Clark, Extension Chippewa County Agriculture Educator will cover “Top Ten Corn Silage Production Strategies” and Ashley Blackburn, Nutrient and Pest Management, will discuss fine tuning conservation with forages.
Focus on Forage webinars will be held weekly on Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1:30 pm from January 13th through March 3rd.
CCA CEUs will be offered for each webinar. Webinars are free, but registration is required by 5 pm the day before the event at A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants.
For more information on the Focus on Forage webinar series contact Ashley Blackburn, Nutrient and Pest Management (NPM) Outreach Specialist, at