Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Do the Numbers: Organic Dairy


Thelma Heidel-Baker and Ricky Baker have a small, family-run, diversified organic dairy farm in the rolling hills of southeastern Wisconsin. For this field day, they'll share how they manage their grass-based, organic dairy.


Silvopasture & Supply Chain Food Safety for Beginning and ESL Farmers


Topics include how to safely incorporate livestock and tree crop production, food safety best practices and common questions for beginning and ESL farmers, and how we can work towards a justice-oriented, safer food system. Register here.


The Current: Grazing, Livestock, and Water Resource Management


Managed grazing can have a number of water-related benefits including flood reduction, improved water quality, nutrient and water efficiency, and increased water infiltration and retention. Tune in to this month’s edition of The Current webinar as we hear the latest research on grazing’s impact on ephemeral streams, current efforts to use grazing to improve water quality, and […]


Precision Livestock Farming


This virtual field day will highlight new technologies in Precision Livestock Farming either in development or recently launched. 


Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate


Tune in to hear lessons learned along with program deliverables and impacts. This webinar will also cover the issue of methane production in beef cattle and some specific techniques that either increase or decrease production per day, per body weight, and per production outcome (like weight gain).


Fence Options for Grazing Cover Crops & Corn Residue

Jared Luhman Farm 23008 350th St, Goodhue, Minnesota

This event will feature expert knowledge and farm information focused on the Five Principles of Soil Health and especially livestock integration. Learn more here.


Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for a Changing Dairy


his presentation will describe how quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) can be a useful tool in studying infectious disease transmission on a changing dairy landscape, provide recent examples of QMRAs relevant to the Wisconsin dairy industry, and propose a QMRA-based research agenda for proactively addressing future challenges.


Choosing the Right Animal for the Right Place at the Right Time


Livestock of all shapes and sizes offer opportunities but can also do damage! Join us to learn some of the differences and when to leverage different types for different uses. This is the third and final part of a three-part silviculture webinar series. Learn more here.


Winter Management of Livestock Grazing Operations


Join this webinar explore options and opportunities when planning for the winter months in a livestock grazing operation. During the winter months, grazing operations often face their biggest challenges when dealing with both environmental degradation of the natural resources and livestock health. Many times, there is more than one way to protect resources while keeping […]


Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.