Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Food Forest Learning Tour

This half-day learning session and field walk will give landowners and farmers insights into the theory and realities of the food forest. (The food forest is an agroforestry practice that involves the planting of diverse fruit-and-nut-bearing trees, shrubs, and other vegetation in a way that mimics the ecology of a natural forest.) Info here.

Planting for Pollinators at Pollinator Palooza

Have you heard the latest buzz? Aram Public Library is hosting our very first Pollinator Palooza! There will be speakers, organizations sharing their stories, raffles, and a pollinator costume contest! Bring the whole family down for a BEE-utiful day, celebrating pollinators of all sorts! Info here.

Monarch Larva Monitoring Project Trainings

Citizen science volunteers are critical to informing and inspiring monarch conservation. Learn how to collect data that contributes to knowledge of monarch populations. Participants will learn about monarch biology, monitoring procedures, and data entry protocols, and have time to ask questions of experts. The trainings, organized by Monarch Joint Venture and the UW–Madison Arboretum, are […]

Soil Health Field Day

For the soil health field day participants will be introduced to different techniques for determining soil health such as, the water infiltration test, slake test, earthworm test and pH test. Participants will also be introduced to soil chroma, an easy, effective way to assess the health of soil. Lastly, there will be a soil test […]

Organic Farm Tour at Polich Farms

Tour a certified Organic Valley farm by foot and wagon to see fourth-generation farmer Mike Polich’s cows, calves and pasture crops. With his wife, Katie, Mike operates a thriving dairy farm with 200 cows and 1,000 acres of cropland. See the farm’s milking robots and discover organic weed control methods and the key roles of […]

USDA-NRCS Public Conservation Virtual Meeting

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Wisconsin has announced one statewide virtual Local Working Group (LWG) meeting to include a statewide presentation followed by four breakout sessions by NRCS administrative areas, for further discussion and feedback. Participants will be able to call into a teleconference line or join with audio […]

Restoration for Managing Invasive Plants

Roger Sheley, Ecologist at the Range and Meadow Forage Management Research Unit in Burns, OR USDA - ARS and the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) are co-hosting 10 webinars on weed science and research. Info here.

Driving Investment in Regional Food Supply Chains

Investment in physical food systems infrastructure, such as storage and distribution facilities, is essential to increase capacity in regional food economies. Too often, investment opportunities in the food supply chain are hyper-focused on a specific link, rather than taking a systems approach to financing regional food-related projects. During this installment of the CDFA Food Systems […]

Is My Water Safe to Drink? – Common Questions about Private Wells

Your drinking water well doesn't have to be a mystery. In this free 90-minute webinar training hosted by The Private Well Class you'll learn the answers to common questions, such as:   How do I get my well water tested? What do I need to do to take care of my well? Is my well […]

Planting Green – Field Day

Join SSWIG at Echo-Y Farms for a field day to learn more about no-till planting corn and soybeans into green living cover crops. We will be walking corn fields that were planted on May 13 into a living rye crop. We will also be talking planter setup at this field day. Info here.

Biosecurity for small and backyard poultry flocks

Keeping disease out is important for any poultry flock, large or small. It is easier to prevent disease than try to treat or control it. Jacquie Jacob from the University of Kentucky will discuss how to create a biosecurity plan for a small or backyard poultry flock. Info here.

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.