Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Fox-Wolf Watershed Conference

We are working to maximize all that we have learned about technology and hosting hybrid meetings this past year to bring you the best program possible! Experts from across the state and country will join us (in-person and remotely) to speak on topics you care about including: Regulation & Guidance Building Resiliency to Climate Change […]

The Midwest Soil Health Summit

Soil Health for Fruit and Vegetable Growers With sessions on Practices for Fruits and Vegetables, Nutrient Management, Food Safety while Incorporating Livestock, Programs & Resources, Perennial Fruit & Nuts, No-Till for Vegetables, the Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program and more. Soil Health for Crop and Livestock Farmers With sessions on Seasonal Grazing Enterprises, Wide Row Corn, Silvopasture, No-Till, […]

Coastal Adaptation Planning Essentials

Coastal communities increasingly realize the need for adaptation planning, but many are unsure where to begin. This interactive course is designed for coastal management practitioners who are just starting to address the challenges resulting from climate change. Participants will learn the foundational concepts of a five-step adaptation-planning process. Info here.

2022 Great Lakes Conference

Please join us for the 32nd annual Great Lakes Conference: Connecting Science and Management. This conference will feature presentations on fish consumption and environmental justice, predator-prey ratios, and lake trout recovery; high water levels, freak waves and flooding; environmental surveillance and assessing health; and connecting people to the Great Lakes. Info here.

WiWiC Conservation Educator Network Spring Meet-Up

Are you a conservation educator working with women landowners in Wisconsin? A warm invite to join the WiWiC Conservation Educator Network at their Spring Meet-up. The WiWiC Conservation Educator Network is an inclusive network of conservation educators to collaboratively support each other in our conservation outreach and work. The goal of this network, facilitated by […]

Bioenergy From Forestry; a Perspective From the Energy Sector

A brief look at the drivers for using wood for energy in the UK/Europe, and the response to date of the energy sector. An overview of sustainability requirements, and the evidence to date of the impacts of forest biomass demand. A brief look forward to ‘Biomass with Carbon Capture and Storage’ – BECCS. Info here.

Dairy Exchange Meeting

This webinar will include: Welcome: Norm Monsen, DATCP Dairy Development Specialist Dairy Market Update: Bob Cropp, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Professor Emeritus Wisconsin Dairy Industry Resources Presentations: Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research and the Dairy Business Innovation Alliance Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation DATCP International Agribusiness Center Info here.

Feeding Your Conservation Ethic: Eating Local

What does it mean to be a “local-vore?” How does your grocery trip connect to the conservation movement? Join Luke Zahm, local chef and host of Wisconsin Foodie, as he explores how food systems inform our connection to each other and the land. Info here.

Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) for Rapid Assessment of Toxic and Nutrient Metals in Soils

During this seminar, we will analyze two case studies involving pXRF application to urban forest and garden soils from scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the University of Vermont. Then we will learn how to conduct pXRF analyses safely, improve accuracy and precision during use and conclude with an open discussion. Info here.

Hope Amidst Havoc: Exploring the Conservation Movement’s Past, Present, and Future

Especially in recent years, it has become no secret that the conservation movement has a troubling past. Where do we find hope in that history, and in currently emerging movements, for a brighter future? Join Beloved Beasts author Michelle Nijhuis to explore the people and places that created the conservation movement – and where Leopold […]

Culvert and Crossing Design

The training will focus on machinery and animal crossing using the current NRCS CPS 578 standard and design tools. Also, we will go through culvert analysis and culvert capacity calculations and will discuss culvert installation. 1 PDH will be offered. If you don't receive a confirmation email, please contact Penny at Info here.

2022 Habitat Friendly Solar Summit

The Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) has partnered with various stakeholders including local government staff, state government staff, solar developers, consultants, contractors, educators, and other partners to discuss challenges, successes, innovation, lessons learned, and shared goals to forward habitat friendly practices and successful vegetation management at solar energy projects throughout Minnesota. Summit Goals: […]

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.