Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Growing Seedlings Indoors

Some vegetables should always be planted outside in the ground, directly from seed (like carrots & radishes). But in our climate, other vegetables – like tomatoes, onions and Brussels sprouts – should be planted in pots or trays indoors, before the weather outside has warmed up. With a good in-home set up and some careful […]

Going the distance: considerations for the use of manure pipelines

Come learn about BMPs associated with manure pipelines and how you can minimize your risk while operating a manure or wastewater pumped system. Get tips from experts on what to look for, how to monitor your system, what maintenance is needed, and potential upgrades to your system that will help prevent losses and spills which, […]

Crops to Conservancy: A Family Farm Legacy

Schumacher Farm Park in Waunakee, Wisconsin is a turn-of-the-century farm that has transitioned into a passive recreation park with heritage gardens and five acres of restored prairie. This talk will discuss a little about the transition process, how the park vision drove garden design and management of the 30-year-old prairie restoration. Info here.

SoilCon 2022

The annual conference is organized by the Washington Soil Health Initiative, a joint effort of WSDA, Washington State University, and the Washington State Conservation Commission to study soil health in our state and explore ways to improve it. Topics covered at this year’s conference will include: Global soil challenges. How to interpret soil health tests. […]

WI DNR Evaluation Workshop

Evaluations are a requirement under s. NR 243. 16 for new permittees, facilities that haven’t been approved, or for specific reasons, e.g. age. When evaluation reports are submitted in a clear and readable format and contains sufficient information, the review process goes faster and potentially without the need for another evaluation submittal. This benefits all […]

Soil Moisture 101: What It Means and How It’s Measured

The National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and the National Weather Service (NWS) are hosting two webinars on soil moisture data and applications. These webinars are intended to help NWS operational forecasters and other weather & climate service providers better understand soil moisture monitoring and its practical applications. The first webinar will provide an overview […]

Organic Grass Fed Dairy: Demographics, Management, and Cost of Production

In 2018, the University of Vermont received an USDA OREI Grant to Advance Grass-Fed Dairy: A Whole Systems Approach to Enhancing Productivity, Quality, and Farm Viability in the U.S (OREI 2018-51300-28515). One primary objective was to understand the economic and production metrics for grass-fed dairy systems through implementation of a national survey, production and economic […]

Compliance Matters: NEPA and “Environmental Evaluation” at NRCS

Participants will receive an introduction to NEPA and its relationship to the NRCS Environmental Evaluation (EE). You will learn how the NRCS environmental compliance system operates with the following objectives in mind: • Understand the legal foundations for environmental compliance with a focus on NEPA, the “human environment,” and demonstrating a “hard look” at the […]

Tribal Alliance for Pollinators

TAP is the only Native-led organization dedicated to grassland restoration using locally sourced native plant seed. Learn about TAP’s history, dedication to monarch conservation, methods and hear guidance on working more effectively with tribes. Info here.

Tribal Community Water Systems

EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) and Office of Water (OW) host this webinar series to communicate the latest information on solutions for challenges facing small drinking water systems. The series allows EPA to communicate directly with states to provide training and foster collaboration and dissemination of information. This, in turn, provides states with […]

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.