Wildlife Habitat Planting (CPS 420)

Join Jeff Kalin, NRCS Wildlife Biologist, and Karin Jokela, Xerces Society Pollinator Planner and Partner Biologist, for a Tech Talk on the new Wildlife Habitat Planting practice (CPS 420). In […]

Sharptail Grouse and Early Successional Habitat

Join Jacob Granfors, Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist, and Garett Christiansen, NRCS Forester, for this session on open landscapes, early successional habitat, and young forest/brushland wildlife habitat. During this […]

Habitat Management and Monitoring

This workshop will provide practitioners with technical guidance for the successful stewardship of habitat including what to expect and recommended management actions over time. This module will also provide a […]

Placing Habitat with a Purpose

Join BJ Werk, Precision Ag and Conservation Specialist with Pheasants Forever, to learn about the precision application of conservation on marginal cropland to increase farming profits and develop essential wildlife […]