Amphipods are important wetland invertebrates that indicate water quality and healthy aquatic plant habitats and are a key food for waterfowl. Our research will describe new findings relating amphipods to […]
Tag: Wetland Conservation
The role and application of prescribed fire in Wisconsin wetlands
Many wetlands in Wisconsin burned frequently as part of the historical fire regime, often lit by the indigenous peoples of the area. Join Hannah Spaul, Director of Land Management for […]
Lower Wisconsin Riverway with Mike Hedemark & Arlyne Johnson
WWA members Arlyne Johnson and Mike Hedemark invite you to join Katie Beilfuss, Outreach Programs Director for the Wisconsin Wetlands Association, for a gathering about wetland management and care. We’ll […]
November Wetland Knowledge Exchange
Across the planet, subarctic environments are warming faster than the southern regions, partly due to the loss of the highly-reflective surfaces of snow and ice. This amplified warming is having […]
State Natural Areas at 70: Still Protecting Wisconsin Wetland Gems
Join conservation biologist Thomas Meyer to learn about the Wisconsin DNR’s State Natural Areas Program, the oldest and largest state-wide nature preserve protection program in the nation, celebrating its 70th […]
Ephraim swamp field trip
Ephraim Swamp is an important wetland bound on the north, east, and south sides by the Niagara Escarpment and upland areas. These rare coastal wetlands play a crucial role in […]
Old lineage, new threats: The Ouachita map turtles of the Lower Wisconsin River
Learn about some of the modern-day challenges to turtle nest survival, focusing on the map turtles of the Lower Wisconsin River, one of Wisconsin’s Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance. Independent […]
Managing Impacts of the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer on Wisconsin’s Wooded Wetlands
Join WDNR forester Brad Hutnik to learn about the threat posed to wetlands by the invasive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). Brad will cover some of the basics about this invader, […]
Video: Oneida Nation and Watershed Restoration
Two new videos, produced in collaboration with the Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council, Wisconsin Wetlands Association, and USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, highlight the restoration work of the Oneida Nation in […]
NFSAM Circular Guidance on Joint Agency Memorandum to the Field for Food Security Act and Clean Water Act Implementation
Participate in this training to learn about NRCS staff responsibilities from the Agency signing the 2020 Memorandum to the Field with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection […]