You Can Make a Difference for Bumble Bees: Programs to Document Bumble Bees in Yards, Parks, Gardens, and Natural Areas AND What Plants They Use – Bumble Bee Short Course for Community Scientists

Free, weekly webinars to build skills of community scientists interested in bumble bee biodiversity, ecology and conservation. Info here. 

Cover Crops, Herbs, and Cut Flowers for Pollination and Pest Management

Join us for this webinar as we discuss which cover crops, herbs, and cut flowers best support pollinators, predators, parasitoids, and have extra value for culinary or ornamental use. Cover […]

The Why and How of Pollinator Habitat: Making Every Acre the Best it Can Be

By following a few proven recommendations for site preparation, planting, and managing pollinator habitat can produce significant results and benefits. This webinar will outline some of those key considerations along […]

Pollinator Habitat Restoration: Planning and Contracting

In this webinar, planners will learn how to plan and contract pollinator habitat plantings. Guidance will help planners improve the success of habitat restoration plantings with adequate site preparation, implementation, […]