On this tour we’ll join Wisconsin’s Green Fire members John Robinson, Meleesa Johnson, Mark Thimke and other members of WGF’s Contaminants of Concern Work Group will join the mayors of […]
Managing PFAS at the Source
Comprehensive webinar about managing PFAS at the source. Reducing “downstream” PFAS treatment of drinking water by treatment and management of PFAS at “upstream” sources. Will discuss: PFAS impacts on water […]
Assessing the Toxicity of PFAS Chemicals to Aquatic Organisms
Among the many questions surrounding per- or polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are their potential effects on aquatic communities. While much of the initial research effort has focused on ecological effects of […]
Great Lakes PFAS Summit
The goals of the Summit are to provide the most current and reliable science and policy, facilitate information sharing, and explore current and future research topics related to per- and […]
PFAS on Agricultural Operations
This webinar will address PFAS in biosolids, soils, and manures. Biosolids have been land applied for decades and manures for centuries. Both have provided valuable nutrients for crop production and organics to help build soil tilth. Discussion will be centered around the potential impacts PFAS can have on agricultural production.
PFAS Webinar
This two-session (3 hours per session) webinar will discuss: ~Legal basis for regulatory intervention ~Water quality sampling & analysis challenges ~Extent of contamination by PFAS compounds in the U.S. ~Economic effects […]
Overview of Current Research and Innovation at the Water Research Foundation (WRF)
During the webinar, WRF will share relevant information for state drinking water programs about their research efforts and projects on: Per- and polyfluorylalkyl substances (PFAS), Lead and copper, Harmful algal […]
PFAS – What’s in Your Water?
This webinar will provide a basic understanding of PFAS. Some of the questions that will be answered include: What is PFAS? Where did it come from? Where is it found? What are the potential issues related to PFAS?
PFAS – What You Need to Know
The issue of controlling per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is increasingly becoming a major environmental and public health issue in the State of Wisconsin. Hear from a county expert on […]
ASDWA’s New PFAS – Source Water Protection Guide and Toolkit
This webinar will showcase the soon-to-be released guide and toolkit that was developed with support from a Project Advisory Council