How do we optimize the use of commercial nitrogen and reduce nitrate leaching? Learn about how agronomic results and water quality impacts connect with lessons from an on-farm trial from […]
Tag: Nitrogen
Nitrogen Planning and Management in Organic Production of Annual Crops
This three-part virtual workshop from University of California Cooperative Extension is offered November 29, December 5, and December 12, 2022. Growers, certified crop advisers, pest control advisers and other agricultural professionals who […]
FIELD NITROGEN & GHG: Understanding and Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Agriculture & Forestry
LEARN: how farms can help reduce nitrous oxide (N2O – a potent GHG) in cropping systems– with a focus coordinating organic and synthetic N use on fields. ORGANIC NITROGEN MANAGEMENT […]
Reducing Health Impacts of the Nitrogen Problem – Workshop Series
Nitrogen is a widely-used, essential input to crop production. In many regions of the United States, nitrogen from farms has leaked into drinking water and caused adverse health impacts. These […]