Great Lakes Legislative Caucus Annual Meeting

The meeting will consist of a full day of programming that will include presentations on strategies to promote climate resilience in coastal communities; efforts to reduce nutrient pollution in the […]

Great Lakes Coastal Symposium

The Coastal Symposium will feature presentations, networking opportunities, workshops, and field trips. Over three days, participants will explore the state of our coastal systems in the face of a rapidly […]

Funding Opportunities for Nature-Based Solutions in the Great Lakes

This free webinar will help Great Lakes communities gain a better understanding of funding opportunities and resources that support nature-based solutions. Funders include both federal and non-federal entities, including the […]

Funding Opportunities for Nature-Based Solutions in the Great Lakes

This free webinar will help Great Lakes communities gain a better understanding of funding opportunities and resources that support nature-based solutions. REGISTER HERE. Funders include both federal and non-federal entities, including […]

Great Lakes Water Infrastructure Conference

Join the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for this conference focused on the water infrastructure challenges faced by the Great Lakes region and solutions to those […]

2022 Great Lakes Conference

Please join us for the 32nd annual Great Lakes Conference: Connecting Science and Management. This conference will feature presentations on fish consumption and environmental justice, predator-prey ratios, and lake trout […]

Great Lakes Policy Update: A Look Back to Key Developments in 2021 and Look Ahead to the Rest of 2022

With the help of Marc Smith, director of Great Lakes policy for the National Wildlife Federation, GLLC members and other participants will explore recent new laws, investments and legislative proposals […]

Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Webinar Series

You are invited to attend the Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Webinar Series – a five-part webinar series on assessing and enhancing coastal wetland resilience between February 1 and March 2, […]

Imperiled Shores

Wildly varying Lake Michigan water levels have played havoc with the state’s shoreline and infrastructure. What do we need to know and how can we weigh in? The Great Lakes […]

Monitoring Lake Superior Coastal Wetlands with High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Hydrological Modeling

Webinar attendees will learn about a binational effort (Canada and US) to build automated or semi-automated monitoring approaches and algorithms to monitor coastal Great Lakes wetlands. Laura will share examples […]