Glacierland RC&D Council offers this free opportunity to visit the Oneida Nation Farm in Seymour, Wisconsin. Hear from livestock managers and Audubon Society on grassland bird habitat within rotational grazing. […]
Tag: Grazing
Balancing Act: Goats, Forests, and Invasive Plant Management
As a forester, how do you write forest management plans that include controlling invasive plant species without the use of chemicals or heavy equipment? Explore the practical and theoretical challenges […]
Wisconsin Schools of Grazing
After more than a decade, the Wisconsin Schools of Grazing, organized by GrassWorks, Inc., University of Wisconsin Lancaster and Marshfield Agricultural Research Stations, UW-Extension, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture […]
Wisconsin Schools of Grazing
After more than a decade, the Wisconsin Schools of Grazing, organized by GrassWorks, Inc., University of Wisconsin Lancaster and Marshfield Agricultural Research Stations, UW-Extension, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture […]
Great Lakes Forage and Grazing Conference
Everyone with an interest in forage crops or grazing is invited to join the Michigan Forage Council and Michigan State University Extension at the 2024 Great Lakes Forage and Grazing Conference on Thursday, March […]
Grazing and Water Quality: Lessons Learned From Edge-Of-Field Research
How do grazing methods affect runoff water quality? Eric Young, USDA-ARS Research Soil Scientist, and Kelsey Hyland will discuss lessons learned from edge-of-field grazing research and strategies to maximize water […]
Restoring and Maintaining Riparian (Water) Areas in a Grazing System
This session will focus on best practices where grazing systems and waterways interact on the farm. Animals can be a helpful participant in stewarding our water but can also do […]
GrassWorks Grazing Conference
GrassWorks is a grassroots membership organization that provides leadership and education to farmers and consumers for the advancement of managed grass-based agriculture to benefit present and future generations. As a […]
Winter G-Team Meeting-Introduction to the Heifer Grazing Compass Tool “Making the Economic Case for Raising Dairy Heifers on Pasture”
The goal of this training is to provide service providers the knowledge and skills to utilize this tool and engage the farmers they work in conversations regarding the economics of […]