Now Available: Climate Change Field Guide for Southern Wisconsin Forests

Stephen Handler of the U.S. Forest Service and Greg Edge of the WDNR discuss how to use their newly released publication, Climate Change Field Guide for Southern Wisconsin Forests, in […]

Forest Management and Biochar: Building Resilient Ecosystems

Dr. Debbie Page, research soil scientist with the Rocky Mountain Research Station, will talk about forest management and woody biomass-derived biochar, its properties and how it helps to build resilient […]

Woodland Management by Objectives: Taking Stock and Making Plans

Before you can manage your woodlands, you have to have a good idea of what your land is like, what has been there before, and what you want to do […]

Sustainable Forest Harvesting

The topics for this virtual field day will include: Different harvest options for different goals What to expect during a harvest What the land looks like when harvested responsibly Deer […]

The Impacts of Climate Change on Forests and Wildlife

The climate is changing, and it is impacting forests in many ways. The magnitude of continued accelerated change requires adaptation strategies aim to maintain healthy and productive forests. As forests are placed under additional stress, it is also critical that we consider how wildlife may respond to a shifting climate and important forest habitats that they depend on.

Creating and Maintaining Upland Habitat

Creating and maintaining upland habitat for wildlife is important to many landowners. This presentation will cover the habitat requirements of many upland wildlife species and how forestry practices can be used to improve their habitat.