Communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are required to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations that meet minimum NFIP floodplain management criteria. Compliance problems may be […]
Tag: Flood Management
Watershed-Wide Infiltration and Flood Benefits from the Fields
Participants will joint to learn about the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Project, Kansas Health Watersheds and how available authorities did a sensitivity analysis on watershed wide soil […]
Coastal Workshop
FEMA has been preparing coastal flood hazard analyses for the Great Lakes coasts for several years. As a result, Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Wisconsin’s Lake […]
Coastal Workshop
FEMA has been preparing coastal flood hazard analyses for the Great Lakes coasts for several years. As a result, Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Wisconsin’s Lake […]
Managing your Community’s Floodplains Webinar: Substantial Damage Assessments and the SDE Tool
Assessing building damages post-disaster is the preferred method for making substantial damage determinations and offers a number of benefits that should make it easier to administer the Substantial Improvement/Damage (SI/SD) […]
Managing your Community’s Floodplains Webinar: Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage (ICC)
ICC coverage provides payment to help cover the cost of mitigation activities that will reduce the risk of future flood damage to a building. When a building covered by a […]
Road Detention Structures: Adapting Current Infrastructure for Flood Resiliency and Nutrient Reduction
The virtual field day will highlight one of the unique sites within the watershed that is adapting existing infrastructure to provide increased water storage, as well as water quality improvement […]
Floodplain 101
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be hosting a virtual Floodplain 101 Workshop. All community floodplain zoning administrators, community officials, building officials and other development professionals are encouraged […]
Substantial Damage Workshop
Workshop topics include: Substantial damage estimation process Purpose of substantial damage How to determine if projects meet the substantial damage criteria How building officials regulate and administer the requirements Permitting […]
Preparing for and Adapting to Future Floods with Natural Flood Management
Are you curious about opportunities to mitigate flood risks to communities and infrastructure with cost-effective, nature-based solutions? In this session, participants will learn about Natural Flood Management (NFM), an emerging […]