The Division of Extension is hosting Badger Crop Connect Spring Series for timely crop updates for Wisconsin. All meetings will be on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month […]
Tag: Crops
Badger Crop Connect Webinar Series
Badger Crop Connect is a new crop production webinar series developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Crops and Soils Program for the 2020 growing season. Badger Crop Connect’s goal is to bring agronomists, crops consultants and farmers timely crop updates for Wisconsin.
Badger Crop Connect
Badger Crop Connect is a crop production webinar series developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Crops and Soils Program for the 2020 growing season. Badger Crop Connect’s goal is to bring agronomists, crop consultants, and farmers timely crop updates for Wisconsin.
Badger Crop Connect
Agenda: Local Update on Crop Conditions Nick Baker, Rock County Agriculture Educator Cover Crops after Corn Silage for Spring Forage: Economics and the Environment Kevin Shelley, UW-Madison, NPM Cover Crop […]
Badger Crop Connect
Badger Crop Connect is a new crop production webinar series developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Crops and Soils Program for the 2020 growing season. Badger Crop Connect’s goal is […]
Badger Crop Connect
Badger Crop Connect is a new crop production webinar series developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Crops and Soils Program for the 2020 growing season. Badger Crop Connect’s goal […]
Badger Crop Connect Webinar
The Badger Crop Connect webinars provide timely crop updates for Wisconsin. This episode will feature the following topics: Winter wheat disease management Insect development and current risks- culprits to be […]