Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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The Impact of Climate Change on the Great Lakes

Explore the impacts of changing weather and climatic patterns on the Great Lakes and specifically on the Lake Michigan migratory flyway. Our keynote will provide an overarching overview of the climate crisis and our panel of experts will provide the most recent scientific data. Our interactive afternoon session with LMS practitioners will provide the tools […]


Applying a Climate Change Filter to the Coastal Resiliency Project


This workshop will bring together natural resource managers from across the lakeshore to dig into the effects of climate change on forests and forest carbon; develop strategies for adapting our forests to climate change; and work toward shared goals of diverse, healthy forests, and migratory bird habitats.


Monitoring Lake Superior Coastal Wetlands with High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Hydrological Modeling


Webinar attendees will learn about a binational effort (Canada and US) to build automated or semi-automated monitoring approaches and algorithms to monitor coastal Great Lakes wetlands. Laura will share examples for the St. Louis River Estuary and Bad River pilot sites. Attendees will learn about methods to routinely map surface water and vegetation inundation extent […]


Imperiled Shores

Wildly varying Lake Michigan water levels have played havoc with the state’s shoreline and infrastructure. What do we need to know and how can we weigh in? The Great Lakes region will spend nearly $2 billion over the next five years combating coastal damage exacerbated by climate change, according to a recent survey of local […]


Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Webinar Series

You are invited to attend the Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Webinar Series – a five-part webinar series on assessing and enhancing coastal wetland resilience between February 1 and March 2, 2022. The webinars will be held virtually via Zoom. Please register for each session separately by clicking the registration links to secure a spot or […]

2022 Great Lakes Conference

Please join us for the 32nd annual Great Lakes Conference: Connecting Science and Management. This conference will feature presentations on fish consumption and environmental justice, predator-prey ratios, and lake trout recovery; high water levels, freak waves and flooding; environmental surveillance and assessing health; and connecting people to the Great Lakes. Info here.

Great Lakes Water Infrastructure Conference

Join the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for this conference focused on the water infrastructure challenges faced by the Great Lakes region and solutions to those challenges. Infrastructure is the unseen backbone supporting our modern lives, but investment has lagged nationwide and much of it is aging. The communities of the […]

Funding Opportunities for Nature-Based Solutions in the Great Lakes

This free webinar will help Great Lakes communities gain a better understanding of funding opportunities and resources that support nature-based solutions. REGISTER HERE. Funders include both federal and non-federal entities, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). Another […]

Funding Opportunities for Nature-Based Solutions in the Great Lakes

This free webinar will help Great Lakes communities gain a better understanding of funding opportunities and resources that support nature-based solutions. Funders include both federal and non-federal entities, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). Another funder, […]

Great Lakes Coastal Symposium

The Coastal Symposium will feature presentations, networking opportunities, workshops, and field trips. Over three days, participants will explore the state of our coastal systems in the face of a rapidly changing climate, discuss current topics related to coastal wetland management, and provide input on management and conservation approaches for this upper Great Lakes setting. Participants […]

Great Lakes Legislative Caucus Annual Meeting

The meeting will consist of a full day of programming that will include presentations on strategies to promote climate resilience in coastal communities; efforts to reduce nutrient pollution in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region; the cleanup and removal of toxic substances; strategies to promote a sustainable Blue Economy; recent developments at the federal level in […]

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.