Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Digging into Soil Health: The Role of Soil Microbes


Looking to maximize the health of your soil? Are you interested in leveraging soil microbes to improve soil health and yield? It’s no secret that soil health is important. Healthy soils can affect a number of results from crop yield, to disease suppression, nutrient availability, and more.


Crop & Pest Management Connect


This three-day, online conference will focus on different crop topics each day: Tuesday, December 8 - Corn Wednesday, December 9 - Soybean Thursday, December 10 - Wide range of topics - alfalfa, tillage, weed science, cover crops, and others Each day will include eight short presentations followed by a live question and answer period so that participants can […]


Standard Measurements of Soil Health


Measuring and assessing soil health are critical for understanding how changes in agronomic management practices affect the capability of soil to support cropping systems. In this presentation, the Soil Health Institute will highlight how the Institute is using data from the North American Project to Evaluate Soil Health Measurements to develop a standard set of measurements for both monitoring and evaluating soil health.


Helping Farmers Help the Land Through Climate Smart-Farming


The climate is changing in different ways across the United States. Participate in this webinar training to learn about how the climate has changed in your area and what that means for farmers and ranchers. This presentation focuses on the 4 ways producers can adapt: • Assess landscape vulnerability • Improve soil health • Increase […]


Drought Calendars for Specialty Crops


This webinar will highlight a recent project engaging specialty crop growers in the Midwest to better understand the seasonality of their decisions and drought information needs. The project has resulted in graphical decision calendars for grape, apple, cranberry, and irrigated potato production.


Soil Health Management Summit


The Soil Management Summit planning committee wants to ensure the health and wellbeing of our participants, vendors, and everyone else involved in the summit's production while maintaining the high standard of programmatic content the event has provided over the years. As the COVID-19 situation has evolved, we have made the difficult decision that this event will be offered online […]


Scaling-Up Soil Health with Featherstone Farm


Featherstone Farm is one of the largest, longest-standing fresh market certified organic vegetable farms in MN. Join Jack Hedin and Abby Benson as they share insights they have learned over the years and strategies they use to care for their soil. Come with ideas and questions about scaling-up soil health. Register here.


WI Agribusiness Classic


Wisconsin’s premier agribusiness industry event will feature over 25 Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) credits and an interactive trade show. In addition to the educational sessions, this year’s Classic will also include the WABA Awards program, scholarship recipient recognition and an engaging opening general session. Learn more here.


Farmer Outreach Coffee Chats


These conversations will be a space for producers and ag professionals to connect across state lines, learn what the latest social science and data say about how to better engage new farmers on conservation, and hear what is actually working from your peers across the Midwest. Each discussion will focus on a specific topic related […]



2021 Virtual CAFO Workshop


Instead of 9 locations around the state, the 2021 workshops will be 1½ - 2 hours over four days, Feb 2-5, 2020, 9:30 am. The Feb 2 session will focus on farms that are near permit size or thinking of expanding above the 1,000 animal unit threshold in the next few years. The Feb 3, […]


Cover Crop Mixtures


This webinar will discuss how and why to choose species of a cover crop mix and tools for deciding species and seeding rates. Topics discussed will also include how different cover crop species express themselves in a mix, fall vs spring growth, the importance of seeding date, and other management considerations. Practical considerations relevant to […]


Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.