Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Smart Salting for WI Roads Workshop

Free training for winter maintenance professionals who remove snow, apply road salt or maintain snow removal equipment used on roads. Learn how using the right amount of salt can save time, budget and our waters. The training will include: best management practices to keep paved areas safe, benefits of using a liquid salt system, guidance […]

Plastics Pollution

Leah Holloway, Program Manager for Milwaukee Riverkeeper - Together we'll learn how plastics get into our environment, why they are so harmful, why they are so hard to get rid of, and steps we can all take, individually and collectively, to make a big difference. Don Jodrey, Director of Federal Government Relations for the Alliance for the Great […]

Enhancing Farm Revenues with Conservation Practices and Ecosystem Services

Farmers interested in implementing conservation practices, or providing other ecosystem services, may find themselves eligible for additional revenue streams. In this webinar, we’ll talk about NRCS initiatives that provide cost-shares and rental payments, as well as several up-and-coming benefits programs for things like nutrient reduction, watershed protection, carbon sequestration, and solar energy production. Join in […]

Recovery of the monarch butterfly: Federal and state legislation that can provide hope for this iconic animal

Monarch butterflies are one of North America’s most iconic animals. Weighing less than a penny, monarchs can fly up to 3000 miles from summer breeding grounds to overwintering sites in Mexico and have captured the imagination of generations of people as one of our largest and most striking butterflies. Unfortunately, North American monarchs are threatened […]

The Wisconsin Academy and partners will convene a virtual Summit to share practical resources and explore emerging issues in local energy planning and resilience in Wisconsin communities. Local government and tribal leaders and representatives from organizations actively serving as resources to these communities are invited to attend the Summit. The Summit will consist of a […]

Considering Root Traits for Improved Native Plant Development and Restoration

Trait-based ecology aims to link specific plant traits, or characteristics that affect fitness, to community assembly, biodiversity, and ecosystem function. Trait-based approaches are increasingly being used to understand plant establishment and survival in restoration settings. In this talk, I will discuss how considering plant traits can improve plant selection for revegetation of systems threatened by […]

Techniques and Concepts for Improving Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency to Benefit Both People and Wildlife

Join us as we discuss the value of nature-based solutions for improving coastal habitats while adding to the resiliency of these valuable ecosystems to the increased risks associated with climate change. Climate change with associated sea level rise and increased coastal flooding is jeopardizing the value and function of many coastal ecosystems including sand dunes, […]

Smart Salting for Parking Lots and Sidewalks

Free training for winter maintenance professionals who remove snow, apply road salt or maintain snow removal equipment used on roads. Learn how using the right amount of salt can save time, budget and our waters. The training will include: best management practices to keep paved areas safe, benefits of using a liquid salt system, guidance […]

WiWiC Conservation Educator Network: Launch Meeting

Are you a conservation educator working with women landowners in Wisconsin? You’re invited to the launch of an inclusive new network of conservation educators to collaboratively support each other in our conservation outreach and work: WiWiC Conservation Educator Network The goal of this network, facilitated by the Wisconsin Women in Conservation (WiWiC), is to regularly […]

Environmental Impact of Buildings

A part of the Yale Forest Forum: The Future of Wood Building Products in a Changing Climate Wood is a renewable resource that has wide material applications in many industries. Wood products sourced from sustainably managed forests store carbon and can play an important role in combating climate change. Recent innovations in the use of […]

The Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative: Regional Coordination, Adaptive Management, and New Treatments for an Invasive Grass

The Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic weeds (FICMNEW) represents an unprecedented formal partnership between 18 federal agencies with direct invasive plant management and regulatory responsibilities spanning across the United States and territories. During quarterly open meetings, FICMNEW members interact on important national and regional invasive plant issues and share information […]

New Farmer U

New Farmer U covers farm financial and business management for intermediate beginning farmers—3-6 years of farming experience—or anyone who is ready to plan for future success. Info here. 

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.