Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Native Vegetation Guidelines and BWSR Programs: Decision-making for Successful Projects

This Tech Talk will highlight the revisions to the Native Vegetation Establishment and Enhancement Guidelines including: A walk-through of the new and improved web-based format Exceptions and applicability with BWSR Programs Seed quality and sourcing Climate change considerations Seed mixes and related resources BWSR presenters are Dan Shaw, Brad Wozney, and Suzanne Rhees. Info here.

Virtual Manure Tour

Sponsored by OPACA/Farm & Food Care this webinar will follow-up from a video series produced to highlight handling manure on the farm in today’s world. Intended as an interactive session, a panel will discuss with participants the benefits, challenges and technology or information gaps in making the most from manure (webinar will extend beyond 2 […]

Phosphorus: Lessons from 10+ Years of Numeric Standards for Wisconsin’s Waters

Join us at the Monona Terrace in Madison, WI for a statewide conference on phosphorus to learn from various perspectives about how numeric phosphorus standards have been implemented in Wisconsin. Agency representatives will present an overview of P regulations, academic speakers will present on various P related research projects, and regulated entities, producers, and farmers will […]

Planning for Long-Term Success

This free webinar session is part of the Winter Financials Series from Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, designed for established farmers. In this episode, hear from Allyn Lamb and guest speakers on planning for long-term success for your farm and for yourself beyond the farm. Info here.


2023 Virtual Nutrient Management Training for Farmers

The Nutrient and Pest Management Program (University of Wisconsin-Madison) is offering a virtual training for farmers interested in writing their own nutrient management plans. This training provides both the basics of nutrient management and an introduction to SnapPlus. The same training will be offered on 5 different dates: Jan. 9, Feb. 7, Feb. 28, Mar. […]

Smallholder Planted Forests and Trees for Climate, Restored Landscapes, and Livelihoods

Join the Yale Forest Forum Spring 2023 Speaker Series Webinar entitled “Smallholder planted trees and forests for climate, restored landscapes, and human livelihoods” held on Tuesdays from January 17-April 25th. This webinar series will focus on ways to harness the potential of smallholder planted forests and trees to contribute to the provision of environmental services, […]

Thinking Through Cover Crops: How to Set Goals, Design Optimal Seed Mixes and Minimize Costs

Cover crop mixes can help farmers add diversity or achieve specific on-farm goals like cover crop grazing, weed control or improved soil fertility. But if these mixes are created without identified cover crop goals in mind, mixes with many species can simply feel like an additional expense without clear benefit. This farminar will discuss how […]

Practical Training for On-Farm and Collaborative Plant Breeding

This session is part of a six-part webinar series for independent plant breeders, farmers, regional seed companies, and plant breeding students. The webinars will be led by the Organic Seed Alliance and collaborators on a NIFA OREI funded project on collaborative plant breeding project in the Upper Midwest. Although the content will be targeted to the Upper […]

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.