Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Best Management Practices for Drill-Interseeding Cover Crops into Corn

Participants will learn how management practices and environmental conditions impact the performance of cover crops that are drill-interseeded into corn early in the growing season. Participate in this training to learn how cover crop species selection, interseeding timing, corn management, herbicide selection and application timing impact performance of interseeded cover crops. Emphasis will be placed […]

The Wisconsin Shoreline Stabilization Outreach Project

An Introduction to the WI Shoreline Stabilization Outreach Project. This webinar will discuss the process and participants involved with creating the publication as well as the background leading up to its development. We will introduce the publication, discuss the four levels or categories of stabilization and the appropriate site conditions for each practice. Info here.

Integrated Weed Management in Cropping Systems

Marty Williams, Ecologist at the Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit in Urbana, IL USDA - ARS and the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) are co-hosting 10 webinars on weed science and research. Info here.

Wisconsin Sedimentation & Erosion Control Inspector (WISECI) Best Management Practices

Learn techniques to manage construction site stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and eliminate problems before they cause higher costs and slowdowns for your project. Save time and money by avoiding erosion and sediment releases. Learn about Wisconsin regulations and requirements for construction site inspection, EPA SWPPP requirements for inspections, proper documentation procedures, how to recognize […]

Stormwater Workshop

This two-morning webinar offers stormwater professionals a chance to hear experts from around the state share their experiences in: Separating basements from groundwater; TMDL compliance plans; Leaf management; Road salt minimization; BMP cost estimate; Dewatering; BMP inspection; Designing green infrastructure. Also, included are some updates to DNR stormwater BMP technical standards, Endangered Resources review, streambank […]

Clean Lakes 101: Lake Mendota – The Good, The Bad, The Present

Lake Mendota is a beloved resource for thousands of people, but many don’t know that it has a rich history of testing scientific hypotheses. Often cited as the most studied lake in the world, it has been researched extensively since the 1880’s. This talk will chronologically cover how Lake Mendota has undergone large shifts in […]

Farming Native Seed for the Future: Considering Evolutionary Potential and Ecological Function

Agricultural seed production is needed to meet ambitious restoration goals, which will require more seeds than can be harvested from wild populations. However, there may be direct conflicts between traits that are favorable in conventional agriculture and those that are adaptive in restoration settings, which could have long-lasting impacts on restored communities. Here, we review […]

Source Water Protection

We all deserve to have safe clean drinking water that we can trust. In order to do that, we need to ensure we are protecting water at the source - whether that is groundwater or surface water. Tune in this month's edition of The Current Webinar as we focus on this important topic. We will […]

Wetlands, Flooding, and the Clean Water Act

The National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) offers a Hot Topics Webinar Series that focuses on timely issues and studies such as new and emerging wetland policy and law, innovative tools and technology and state-of-the-art practices. These webinars are advertised through our website, newsletters, social media and emails. Info here.

The Northeast Drought Early Warning System

A four year (2022 - 2026) strategic action plan for the Northeast, the Drought Early Warning System will soon be released by the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS). This plan identifies outcomes and activities that will move national and regional drought response from a reactive posture to a more proactive posture. Within NIDIS, a […]

Introduction to Insecticides

Insecticides are an integral part of pest management in modern agriculture, but are also commonly the focus of public scrutiny over human health and environmental safety concerns. This seminar will broadly cover the history of the development of different major types of insecticides, and highlight the trends in insecticide technology and use through time. We […]

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.