Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Climate Adaptation for Forest-Dependent Wildlife Webinar Series

This 12-part series tells a story about climate change and its impacts on forest ecosystems and forest dependent wildlife species. We will examine forest ecosystems and their composition and structure under a changing climate, and the influence on wildlife populations and carbon dynamics. We will also share tools and management approaches to help facilitate forest […]

Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu

Climate change has impacted and will continue to impact indigenous peoples, their lifeways and culture, and the natural world upon which they rely, in unpredictable and potentially devastating ways. Many climate adaptation planning tools fail to address the unique needs, values, and cultures of indigenous communities. This Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu, which was developed by […]

Non-Crop Systems: Advancements in Weed Biocontrol Tools

Melissa Smith, Research Ecologist at the Invasive Plant Research Laboratory in Fort Lauderdale, FL USDA - ARS and the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) are co-hosting 10 webinars on weed science and research. Info here.

Microirrigation for Small Vegetable Farms

Join us as we discuss the basics of microirrigation terminology, layout, components, planning and design considerations with emphasis on small vegetable farms within the context of NRCS Conservation Practice Standard (CPS) Code 441 (Irrigation Systems, Microirrigation) and its criteria. Microirrigation is defined as frequent application of small quantities of water as drops or miniature streams […]

Conservation Districts Delivering Conservation Programs & Services When Not Co-located in a USDA Service Center

Join us for a webinar on Conservation Districts delivering effective conservation programs & services when not co-located in a USDA Service Center. Participants will receive examples, tips and recommendations from across the nation from conservation district leaders that have been operating their districts in their facilities separated from NRCS. Info here.

Green Bay Conservation Partners Spring Roundtable

Please join us for an exciting event to share information and foster collaboration among conservation practitioners, researchers and stakeholders working in the bay of Green Bay, Lower Fox River watershed, Green Bay’s west shore and Door Peninsula. The morning includes an opportunity for networking, regional and legislative updates, lightning talks, and student posters. Don’t miss […]

A New Graphic Way to Show What Shoreland Zoning Standards Accomplish

Want to SEE what shoreland zoning standards and good waterfront property stewardship accomplish? We've developed a new graphic to illustrate the benefits to your lake or river. In this interactive session learn about options for using this graphic to reach more waterfront property owners and recruit owners for Healthy Lakes projects! Check out the Value of […]

Let’s Talk About No-Till “Regenerative” Agriculture

Farmers across the country are adopting no-till practices at an astonishing rate, fueled in large part by several popular books and resources. While there’s no doubt a reduction in tillage is beneficial for soil, water, and microorganisms, is it possible that we may have over-corrected slightly? Can tillage be a part of a healthy system, […]

A Biocultural Approach to Integrating Indigenous Knowledge with Western Science for Invasive Species Management and Policy

Paulette M. Fox is a member of the Blackfoot Confederacy from the Blood Tribe in southern Alberta. She owns and operates her own environmental consulting business, Harmony Walkers Inc. She is a spiritual leader and knowledge keeper. Currently she is working with the Roundtable on the Crown of the Continent and the Blackfeet Nation in […]

Remaining Land-Grant Fierce While Accepting the Land-Grab Truth of Our Foundation

Land-grant universities (LGUs) have been providing affordable access to a quality higher education experience for over 150 years. However, these same institutions were founded from the sale of lands taken from Tribal Nations, typically through broken treaties or brute force. We will discuss a variety of initiatives being undertaken by LGUs as they grapple with […]

Upper Sugar’s Annual Meeting

It has been two years since we were able to hold our Annual Meeting in-person & we are excited to get back together! Join the Upper Sugar staff & Board of Directors for an evening of re-connecting to one another & to the continued work of the Upper Sugar River Watershed Association. We will be […]

CBCW Virtual Training – Central WI

This Clean Boats, Clean Waters training is for those who have never performed watercraft inspections and conversed with boaters at the landing, but is also a refresher for those who would like a reminder and some practice before heading out to the landings this summer. Folks from around the state are welcome to attend, but […]

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.