Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Co-existing with Wolves – History, Biology, and Policy

Come learn about wolf ecology, wolf monitoring, and the latest issues around wolf policy from Wisconsin wolf experts Adrian Wydeven and Peter David at Forest Lodge near Cable. Our topics in the afternoon and the following morning will include presentations and discussions on wolf ecology and Wisconsin wolf policy. Join us to learn about wolf […]

Farms Under Threat 2040: Choosing an Abundant Future for Wisconsin

America’s farm and ranch lands are rapidly disappearing, threatening our rural communities and agricultural economy, jeopardizing future food security, and increasing vulnerability to extreme weather events. Wisconsin faces a choice: let poorly planned development of this vulnerable resource continue or work to safeguard more farmland through better land-use planning and additional farmland protection tools. Farms […]

Sustainability 3.0: Innovations for the Innovators Field Day

Field Day August 4th--Sustainability 3.0: Innovations for the Innovators, joint-hosted by MFAI, the Nature Conservancy, and the Racine County Producer-Led Watershed group. Jim Stute of the watershed group will present the results of his study band-applying gypsum to alleviate soil crusting in no-till corn. MFAI agroecologist Nicole Tautges will demonstrate Kernza, the first perennial grains […]

Wildlife Inventory and Monitoring

This course will give students a sound background in the theory and practice of wildlife inventory and monitoring (I&M), with an emphasis on its application in adaptive management for habitat restoration and management. The course will review standard techniques for I&M, and the essentials of study design and data collection, analysis of data, and the […]

Restoring wild rice in Green Bay west shore coastal wetlands

Manoomin (wild rice) is a native annual wetland grass with profound importance for many indigenous tribes in Wisconsin along with fish and wildlife. Conservation professionals are using an adaptive management approach to seed wild rice in the fall at priority Green Bay west shore coastal marshes and then monitor sites during the growing season to […]

Regenerative Livestock Farming

Learn how Wanda Farm operates effectively through trust and transparency. Take a tour; talk soil health, marketing, and agritourism. See how they manage their grassfed operations through land, livestock, and environment, while emphasizing positive impact to nutritional health. In 2018, Joe and Hannah Wanda purchased a 77 acre farm to help provide the local community's […]

Introduction to Managed Grazing Systems

This session will discuss basic grazing management principles, benefits of prescribed grazing, and considerations for planning a grazing system. Info here.

Field School for Soil Health Educators

Join educators from across the Midwest to build skills for communicating soil health concepts. In the field, we’ll evaluate soil changes after using different tillage and cover crop planting equipment, and practice using a penetrometer under different field conditions. Presentations will cover manure management and cover crop nutrient uptake. Participants will learn from professional communicators […]

Exploring the Present and Future of Carbon and Ecosystem Services Markets

The Sustainable Agronomy Conference will provide Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs), Agri-Sales Professionals, and growers with the opportunity to more fully understand and implement sustainable agronomy in the field. Learn the drivers, economics, agronomics, environmental benefits, and implementation techniques of sustainable crop production. Economic, environmental, and social aspects of sustainable agronomy will be considered. Unlike other […]

What Does the Future Hold for Corn and Maize?

Learn about the influence of corn and maize on public health and society. Hear perspectives on food security, environmental impact, community resilience, and a vision for the future. Info here.

Back to Roots – Fungi and Forest Restoration

Forest trees rely on symbiotic soil fungi to survive, grow, and tolerate harsh environmental conditions. In this webinar we will discuss the current understanding of how fungi can benefit temperate and boreal forest restoration projects. We will address promising restoration plans that actively use a group of fungal symbionts, ectomycorrhizal fungi, in sites contaminated with […]

Direct Liquid Application

Bill Kern, Jefferson County Highway Department, will join us to discuss the use of salt brine in winter maintenance operations. The focus will be on direct liquid application during all three phases of a winter storm event: pre-storm, during the storm, and post-storm. Info here.

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.