Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Monitoring Lake Superior Coastal Wetlands with High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Hydrological Modeling


Webinar attendees will learn about a binational effort (Canada and US) to build automated or semi-automated monitoring approaches and algorithms to monitor coastal Great Lakes wetlands. Laura will share examples for the St. Louis River Estuary and Bad River pilot sites. Attendees will learn about methods to routinely map surface water and vegetation inundation extent […]


Focus on Forage


Focus on Forage is a FREE, 7-part Extension webinar series highlighting research-based information and farmer strategies to optimize forage yield, quality, and profitability in Wisconsin. January 13 Managing for High Quality Corn Silage January 20 Strategies for Achieving Alfalfa Production Goals January 27 Optimizing Production of Grass and Mixed Grass Forages February 3 Using Small […]


Wisconsin Rural Economic Summit


This virtual summit will focus on the Wisconsin rural economy with an eye toward innovative strategies to foster economic opportunities and well-being.  The summit will provide an overview of historical and current trends in the Wisconsin rural economy, look to lessons learned from rural communities, and focus on proactive strategies that Wisconsin’s smaller and rural communities […]


Conservation Partnership Training


Save the date for the Conservation Partnership Training. Attendees will learn about WI Land+Water, Standards Oversight Council (SOC), agency partners (DATCP, DNR, NRCS), Pheasants Forever, Trout Unlimited, and the Conservation Professional Training Program. Contact Penny at with any questions.

Opportunities with Silvopasture: More Than Just Animals in The Woods


Silvopasture is an agroforestry system that combines trees and forages with livestock management. Join us while we discuss the fundamentals of silvopasture and hear from landowners and professionals on their experiences in implementing silvopasture as a land management practice. In addition, learn how to use a soil health kit and about soil health training programs […]


Regenerative Carbon Neutral Beef Production


The January Soil Health Digital Cafe will feature Dr. Jason Rowntree of Michigan State University. He is leading research on regenerative agriculture and carbon sequestration using Adaptive Multi-paddock grazing. He is looking for answers to the current debate - do cattle help or hurt the environment. He will present five years of research evaluating various […]


Precision Ag & Conservation: Approaches to Turn Red Acres Green


Precision ag technology is used to make a variety of agronomic management decisions on farms. Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever support agricultural producers by assisting them in understanding how their farm specific data can serve as a guide to identifying areas where management changes and conservation programs can improve the profitability of low-yielding areas. Register […]



2021 Virtual CAFO Workshop


Instead of 9 locations around the state, the 2021 workshops will be 1½ - 2 hours over four days, Feb 2-5, 2020, 9:30 am. The Feb 2 session will focus on farms that are near permit size or thinking of expanding above the 1,000 animal unit threshold in the next few years. The Feb 3, […]


Virtual Shop Talks for Farmers – Resource Stewardship in Hard Times


How can you make soil health and stewardship practices work in times of stress and uncertainty? This virtual Shop Talk series will be an opportunity to have meaningful conversations with other farmers and experts about practical ideas and programs that can help you weather hard times and have success with stewardship practices on your farm. […]


Leveraging Covers and No-Till to Help You Remain Profitable


David Trimner is the co-owner and general manager of Miltrim Farms, a 2,500 cow dairy farm, cropping 5000 acres in Athens, Wisconsin. He has a varied role within the farm, acting as a support to the different teams that make everything happen on the farm. The Miltrim Farms team has a passion for animals, healthy […]


Wisconsin Cover Crop Conference


This year’s Wisconsin Cover Crop Conference may look a little different, but it will still bring you the valuable content you have come to expect from this conference. Topics include moving forward through adversity, cover crops for weed management, growing small grains, and the economic and environmental benefits of rotational grazing. Learn more here.


WDNR Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) Application


The webinar offers an overview of the TRM Grant Program, with particular focus on the application for funds, including both large and small scale TRM projects, and TMDL and non-TMDL projects. The webinar will provide an overview of what’s changed since last year and review project eligibility filters and how to pro-rate eligible costs (when […]


Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.