Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.
Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.
Events Key
Extension Events
Partner Events
This training will help conservation planners, biologists and engineering staff identify drainage features that drained this wetland and identify what conservation practices can be used to restore hydrology back to pre-drainage conditions. Participants will put together preliminary plans for this complex site which will include tile breaks, ditch fills, embankments, water control structures and seeding. Site is also located in floodplain so we will discuss permitting.
For more information, check out this flyer.
Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.