Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.
Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.
Events Key
Extension Events
Partner Events
Come learn how you can support soil health on your farm!
-How does soil health improve farm profitability, water quality, and wildlife habitat?
-What soil health principles can I put to work on my farm?
-Journey toward improved soil health- Lessons from 30+year no-till veteran, Dale Theel
-Soil pit demo, prairie strip planting demo, soul health rest results interpretation, and field inspections of: multispecies mixes, interseeded into corn, cover crops following wheat, corn planted no-till green, and no herbicide soybeans
Lunch is provided!
Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.