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The National Climate Assessment is a Congressionally mandated quadrennial report led by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The report evaluates how climate change affects people and places in the United States.
To inform development of the fifth National Climate Assessment, USGCRP and the author teams will be hosting a series of virtual public engagement workshops. The purpose of the public engagement workshops is to:
Provide an overview of USGCRP and the National Climate Assessment development process, including other opportunities for public engagement
Allow members of the public and assessment authors an opportunity to discuss proposed key topics, identify priority issues relevant to the chapter, and share resources
Give NCA chapter authors an understanding of how workshop participants use assessments, and what could be done to make the NCA more useful for decision-making
The workshop will include a plenary session that provides an overview of the assessment and an introduction to the chapter. In breakout sessions, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the chapter’s key topics and their own priorities with chapter authors.
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