Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.
Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.
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Extension Events
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Since the early 2000s, the Oneida Nation has restored nearly 3,000 acres of agricultural lands to native wetland, grassland, prairie, and forest, providing important habitat for wildlife and helping to reduce watershed runoff. To evaluate restoration success at three critical sites with respect to bird life, the Oneida Nation partnered with the Northeastern Wisconsin (NEW) Audubon Society, Audubon Great Lakes, and UW-Green Bay to launch a bird monitoring program. The deep, collaborative partnership involves nearly 30 volunteers who conducted ~300 standardized bird surveys, the data from which not only provide general information about the birds that use these sites but also guide preliminary land management decisions (e.g., water level manipulation, prescribed burns) to the restored lands. This partnership also serves as an opportunity for the bird monitors to learn about the Oneida Nation’s rich culture, history, and language, particularly in the context of the natural world.
Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.