Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.
Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.
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Join Josh Hiemstra as he discusses the many ways he integrates annual and perennial forages into his farming operation for feeding dairy cattle. We’ll take a look at trials where Josh is co-seeding and interseeding forages with silage corn, as well as testing different nitrogen application rates. We’ll also see a diverse cover crop cocktail mix sown after wheat harvest. To top things off, we’ll check out an establishing alfalfa-grass hay field that was seeded with a nurse crop following last year’s forage mix.
Josh will be joined by Becky Wagner, agronomist for Fond du Lac Land and Water Conservation Department. Becky will describe how the county is helping farmers like Josh implement soil health-building practices with cost-share opportunities.
Register and info here: https://practicalfarmers.org/events/field-days/live-from-the-farm/diverse-forages-for-dairy-operations/
Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.