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Clean Farm Families Presents: Improving Soil Health & Farm Profitability w/ Gabe Brown

February 10, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

Topics Covered:

+No-till & Cover Crop System

+Economic Impact

+Return on Investment

+Planting Green

Gabe, along with his wife Shelly, and son Paul, own and operate Brown’s Ranch, a diversified 5,000 acre farm and ranch near Bismarck, North Dakota. The ranch consists of several thousand acres of native perennial rangeland along with perennial pastureland and cropland. Their ranch focuses on farming and ranching in nature’s image.

The Browns holistically integrate their grazing and no-till cropping systems, which include a wide variety of cash crops, multi-species cover crops along with all natural grass finished beef and lamb. They also raise pastured laying hens, broilers and swine. This diversity and integration has regenerated the natural resources on the ranch without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides. The Browns are part owners of a state inspected abattoir which allows them to direct market their products. They believe that healthy soil leads to clean air, clean water, healthy plants, animals, and people.

Info here.


February 10, 2022
10:00 am - 2:30 pm

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