Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.
Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.
Events Key
Extension Events
Partner Events
Join to learn tips and best practices to teach fishing. At this workshop, you will get certified to lead learn-to-fish programs for adults, families and youth in your community or the students in your classroom. We may be in a virtual world, but your hands will be busy as you brush up on your own basic fishing skills like fish identification, knot tying, casting and more!
This workshop combines the Angler R3 programs, Angler Education and Fishing for Dinner so you can pick and choose to suit your audiences.
Info here.
Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.