Conservation Calendar

Looking to stay up to date on your CEUs? Have producers asking conservation-specific questions you don’t feel confident answering? Looking to host a training and want to avoid conflicts for your audience? You have come to the right place.

Explore our Conservation Calendar for information on conservation-related events and trainings hosted across Wisconsin and beyond.

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Remaining Land-Grant Fierce While Accepting the Land-Grab Truth of Our Foundation

Land-grant universities (LGUs) have been providing affordable access to a quality higher education experience for over 150 years. However, these same institutions were founded from the sale of lands taken from Tribal Nations, typically through broken treaties or brute force. We will discuss a variety of initiatives being undertaken by LGUs as they grapple with […]

The Soil Health Matrix Decision Tool

The April edition of the Digital Cafe series will feature Brian Dougherty, Field Agricultural Engineer with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Brian is a part of the Soil Health Nexus team that worked to develop the Soil Health Matrix Decision Tool – a 101 tool for producers who are considering implementing a new soil […]

Upper Sugar’s Annual Meeting

It has been two years since we were able to hold our Annual Meeting in-person & we are excited to get back together! Join the Upper Sugar staff & Board of Directors for an evening of re-connecting to one another & to the continued work of the Upper Sugar River Watershed Association. We will be […]

CBCW Virtual Training – Central WI

This Clean Boats, Clean Waters training is for those who have never performed watercraft inspections and conversed with boaters at the landing, but is also a refresher for those who would like a reminder and some practice before heading out to the landings this summer. Folks from around the state are welcome to attend, but […]

Earth Day 2022: Water on the Rise

Water and life are inextricably intertwined. Without access to adequate water, humanity suffers. Yet, water in extreme abundance can also become a destructive force. We invite you to join us as we explore these concepts and more during the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Earth Day 2022: Water on the Rise. This day-long community learning […]

Wetland Restoration Planning Training

This training will help conservation planners, biologists and engineering staff identify drainage features that drained this wetland and identify what conservation practices can be used to restore hydrology back to pre-drainage conditions. Participants will put together preliminary plans for this complex site which will include tile breaks, ditch fills, embankments, water control structures and seeding. […]

Co-Design Sustainable, Resilient, and Just Nature-based Stormwater Solutions with Communities

Nature-based Solutions apply ecological design to address societal challenges. Climate change has aggravated extreme hazard events such as floods, droughts, extreme heat, and fires that threaten livelihood of communities, especially for vulnerable populations, in addition to the sustainability of urban water systems. Conventional urbanization patterns and urban water infrastructure systems are designed based on past […]

Marketing & Profitability – Regenerative Grazing Marketplace

Join the Embarras Grazing Partnership for a two-part series examining value chains and the profitability potential of pasture-based livestock production! In Part 2, we’ll dig into the revenue potential of pasture-based livestock. Jim Munsch, certified organic grass-fed beef farmer, will discuss a variety of marketing strategies for selling direct-to-consumer as well as options for moving […]

Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Building Agriculture Opportunities in Tribal Communities – Building Native Agriculture

The beginning of a webinar series designed to assist individuals and Tribes by sharing proven methods which can be used as building blocks for Indigenous agriculture systems, providing a road map to success. These presentations are intended to bolster Native farmers' and ranchers' ability to engage in production agriculture through a better understanding how food […]

Driving Impact with Forest Carbon Markets

More and more companies are pursuing ambitious emissions goals, and science points to nature-based solutions as an immediately deployable part of the world’s net zero pathway. But how can – and how should – companies look to invest in forest carbon? In this one-hour webcast, speakers from NCX, America’s largest forest carbon market and Green […]

Every Day is Earth Day Festival

This event celebrates the people, organizations, and businesses that uphold our sustainable culture in Door County and beyond. Every Day is Earth Day comprises an environmentally focused weekend of resource exchange, an open house, guest speakers, demonstrations, films, and activities for people of all ages. Info here.

Water@UW-Madison Symposium

With a theme of “Reconnecting Around Water”, the 2022 Spring Symposium will bring together a range of thinkers from the natural and social sciences, humanities, arts, public policy, and Wisconsin state agencies to share their experiences with water research and the many ways water connects us all. Live CART captioning will be provided for the […]

Have a training you don’t see listed? Reach out to us and let us know.